1 Corinthians 16:13-14 "Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love."

Friday, December 18, 2009

Books, Books and more Books

As per our latest newsletter, we are going to start reviewing some books and hopefully inspire, and be inspired ourselves, to read some books. The Christian should never stop learning nor should they stop gathering information. I hope that these books will bless you, or have blessed you, in the same capacity they have undoubtedly blessed us.

Warren Wiersbe wrote On Being a Servant of God with the idea of helping those who are beginning their ministry all the way to those who have been serving for a lifetime. One of the points he makes is that we should always be reading at least one book, expanding our horizon on the things of God. If you haven't had the opportunity to read this yet, I do suggest that you do. If you have, like me, maybe you should consider this a yearly read. The basic and fundamental truths that Wiersbe states are a lifetime lesson for all of us.   

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